Saturday, January 8, 2011

Driving The Bus

I was Master of my home lodge for two years, normally it was a progressive line and everyone served one year but my senior deacon had to drop out and we decided to keep the top three officers the same and move everyone else up behind us as opposed to trying to fill the whole.

The brother who served as my SW for two years took over and a few months into his term he commented that " it was much easier riding on the bus as opposed to driving the bus". He said I made it look so easy to be Master that he expected it to be easy. I think alot of officers watch and ride along and don't think much about what they would do when they are behind the wheel. And yes you are driving the bus; you are deciding the direction of your lodge and a lot of brothers are coming along for the ride.

So you have to decide when it is your turn to drive, are you going to hit cruise control or put the pedal down ? Of course with any big journey, pre-planning makes the trip all that smoother, so mapping out your course well ahead of time makes it go all the better.

Most of all, enjoy the journey on the path you pick, when it is your turn.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WB Paul,

My pedal is to the ground, just had our first meeting last night. Nice post...very true that some people have the bus on cruise control, as i have seen in the past. I have disabled the cruise control button on our bus and hope everyone enjoys the ride in receiving light, transforming ourselves into the perfect ashlar and making the community around us a better place!

R Brenes
WM Wolcott 146